Thursday, April 22, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 4/23/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. Been under the weather for the last couple days. :( All I've done is lay around the house after work and I really DIS-like laying around the house.

2. We have been golfing a LOT lately. X is totally loving it. He calls the driving range "The driving ranger" and the putting green "The little green." LOL!

3. I got the float wrap in today but hate to post the pics of it here before the client gets to see it so I'll hold off until next week for pics. ;)

4. XO starts track next week. :) I hope they let me hang around the side and take pics! ;)

5. The schedule for sessions is really starting to fill up. I really only have one more spot left in May then we'll start booking for June already!

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