Thursday, April 29, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 4/30/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. Does buying my son a robotic pet as a substitute to a real one make me the worst parent ever? I really dislike shedding fur and poo and our newest addition to the family does neither. :) He does, however, squeak and run around. X and Grammy even took time this week to make him a 'proper' cardboard house, bed and blanket. ;) Please meet our furry little friend, we call him Nugget. :) Just make sure to keep his wheels away from your hair to prevent entanglement (no it hasn't happened yet, just a warning.) LOL

2. So excited for Mother's Day coming up! I'm convinced that next to X's birthday it's my favorite day of the year (father's day too.) I already made our reservations at Green Gateau, yummy! I can't think of any better holiday than celebrating the bond between parents and their children and honoring your parents for everything they have done for you. Every time I take photos of children with their parents I can't help but feel the importance of that bond even more.

3. I absolutely think of TracyV Photography as a boutique photography business and am working on lots of little changes to move even closer in that direction. In the spirit of a boutique photography experience I have created the first ever TracyV Photography canvas/float wrap packaging. Please don't make fun of my sewing skills, I'm still learning. ;) I love it and I hope my clients do too. The memories inside are priceless and I want the presentation to match the mood of the photography tucked inside. ;)

4. The farmer's market in the Haymarket starts this weekend! I don't think my diet will be happy about the kettle corn and cherry colaches but my taste buds will be! ;)

5. I have been playing around with my logo on things, loving it! Please excuse my home printer.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 4/23/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. Been under the weather for the last couple days. :( All I've done is lay around the house after work and I really DIS-like laying around the house.

2. We have been golfing a LOT lately. X is totally loving it. He calls the driving range "The driving ranger" and the putting green "The little green." LOL!

3. I got the float wrap in today but hate to post the pics of it here before the client gets to see it so I'll hold off until next week for pics. ;)

4. XO starts track next week. :) I hope they let me hang around the side and take pics! ;)

5. The schedule for sessions is really starting to fill up. I really only have one more spot left in May then we'll start booking for June already!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Little Miss Personality ~ Sneak Peek {Lincoln, NE Children's Photographer}

What a difference 6 months makes! Little Miss E came to visit again for her six month session and brought along ALL of her little personality! She is such a smily happy little baby and absolutely adores a good game of peek-a-boo. :) We had a great time and got some great shots too!

Litte Miss E 6 months ago ...

Here she is today ...

I LOVE this picture! Too cute! ;)

Turning back on the charm. :)

Trying something new with the processing ...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 4/16/10 {Lincoln,NE Photographer}

1. Getting close enough on the logo to show it to everyone!!! Dah da-da dun … Dah da-da dun da-da dun da-da dun!!!!! … drumroll ...... Here it is ….

Okay, so maybe I got a little crazy on the intro but hey this is big news for TracyV Photography!!! ;)

2. I've been staying busy getting client orders ready this week. I'll have a great little sneak peek of the float wrap next week!

3. Trying to pretty up the web-site. Man, I can't believe how much work customizing a site can be and I'm doing it the "easy way."

4. Big plans for the weekend … Little Baby E's 6 month shoot already! Can't wait to see her and mom, I bet she's looking so much older than the last time I saw her. Then off to the Husker Red/White game with the fam, and hopefully I can talk Marky into riding Mopac again this weekend. I didn't bring my camera last time but I have a feeling it's looking a little more like Spring out on the trail this week.

5. Fun little site recommended to me by a client … - They have LOTS of cool ideas for those crafty types. I've already found some fun sewing projects on there.

Hope you have a great weekend! GO BIG RED!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

One Fact Friday ~ 4/9/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer/Accountant}

1. Some of you know, some may not, that I am an Accountant by day. For those of you that didn't know I'll go ahead and give you a minute to let that soak in for a while. ;) The Photographer side of me is SO different from the Accountant side. If both parts of me weren't so happy I would probably look into the implications of multiple personality disorder. lol My life as an Accountant allows me to stretch my intellectual side, figure out complicated, puzzling problems (and earn a steady and reliable income with health AND dental.) ;) The photographer side let's me express my inner-creativity, which is basically bursting at the seams by the time my work day is over. So, really I've got it made. Maybe some day I'll be brave enough to take the leap into the world of full time photography but for right now I'm just enjoying being me and trying to do what I do to the best of my abilities.

This was actually a very long-winded way to say that it has been a very long week (month end close) and I have not come up with five facts for today or had time to edit any photos of my own. ;) It's been one of those weeks were the Accountant and Mommy sides have taken over the Photographer with free time side. As I often tell my husband after a long day of work "my brain is mushy."

I promise Photographer me will come up with something brilliant by next week! ;) I hope everyone has a very wonderful and relaxing weekend!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 4/2/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

Well it was a LONG week but it's finally FRIDAY!!!

1. Got my first sewing machine last weekend. I'm totally loving it! I won't be whipping up any clothing any time soon but I might get a little crafty every once in a while.

LOVE stitch no.34!!! :) I'm thinking scrapbooking. ;)

See, told ya I could be crafty. My adorable Easter basket liners for X and E. They totally won't appreciate them but I think they'll like the goodies inside. ;)

2. Went to the grocery store last night and loved seeing of my favorite Spring/Summer treats in the produce section. YUM!

lucky for me my boys dislike fresh green beans so these are all mine. ;)

3. I was totally inspired when I found this blog about family photojournalism. *swoon* Totally moving, touching and incredibly inspiring!!! I'll be pulling my camera out at home more often regardless of the moans and groans that I get from my boys. I'm sure they will thank me later. ;)

4. ANOTHER cool party planning blog, it's not quite "hostess with the mostess" blog good but has some realistic ideas. Sometimes it's easier to come up with your own cool ideas just from a spark of someone else's.

5. Happy Easter everyone! Hope everyone has a really great holiday weekend filled with colored eggs, chocolate bunnies and cute little Easter clothes! :)