2. It's here! My float wrap is here! :)I have some other new photos coming for my living room. I'll get some of those photos up too next week.
3. I have had a bad cold all week. Boo hiss. Luckily starting to feel much better today. :)
4. It's not only important to have yearly milestone photos of your kiddos; make sure to get YOUR camera out start shooting. Try getting down on their level to take photos instead of shooting down at them. Also, not every photo has to be a huge cheesy smile. In fact my favorite photos of X are when he is deep in thought or when he is playing and just being himself.
5. I'm looking forward to 6 hours of uninterrupted scrapbooking this weekend!! :)WOO HOO Mommy time!
BTW this was a 16x20 on metallic.