Friday, February 19, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 2-19-10 {Lincoln, NE photographer}

1. I knew it was Friday 'cause I'm happy BUT forgot it was "Five Fact Friday" so I'm gonna wing this thing! ;)

2. The fam and I had a b-day party for one of X's friends at ChuckECheese (aka GermECheese) and actually had a really good time. My boys are video game heads and I love shopping for little girl presents!!!! Everything pink and sparkly with hearts! :)

3. I'm so ready for summer and bike rides with my camera. It's all I can think about any more. I even bought my head and tail lights so I can go on the "nacho ride" this year. Though I'm a little afraid of my crazy biking husband who thinks he is ready for the BRAN (bike ride across Nebraska) this year … I know I'm not … 30 miles tops for me. ;)

4. I now have X hooked on Macy Gray since the discovery of my CD. Totally uncharacteristic of my little Black Eyed Peas fan. I know he's Marky's because he can actually carry a tune.

5. Went to Paint Yourself Silly with my sis and XO (yeah, his initials are XO on purpose, hugs and kisses, sure he won't be proud of that when he's 30 … or 12) ;) We had a blast! I LOVE that place! The staff is super friendly and we always have a really good time. I think I'm going to have MY birthday party there! ;) If you haven't been there already, check 'em out. I always have a camera in my purse but the batteries were dead so here's some pics from my sister's phone. She's got great natural directional light on that 2nd one! :) Come to think of it this would be a GREAT place for engagement pics … any couples up for a little creativity?? ;)


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