Thursday, February 11, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 2-12-10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1.It's 11:27 (on Thursday - so technically it's a Five Fact Late Thursday Night) and I'm TIRED! Super long day finishing up kiddo Valentine's for his friendship party tomorrow, working on taxes, and getting everything finished up for X's class photos to share. So ... I apoligize for any spelling errors right now.

2.I've been in a serious scrapbooking mood ever since I got back from my 6 hour crop on Saturday. Which means our kitchen counter is a mess with scrapbooking supplies. Oh how I miss having a separate room for the clutter. I heart my Valentines this year. Check 'em out …

Xavier gave out Batman and Hot Wheels valentine cards this year. :)

3. I am very excited to give X his V-day gift even though it's not really THAT cool. He LOVES stuffed animals and had a favorite dog that was lost in the move (most likely in storage somewhere); luckily Walgreens doesn't really change their product from year to year and I was able to find another. When you squeeze it it barks "I WUF you. Woof. Woof." X and I always say that to each other now. :)

4. Got my family room photos. I tried to be cheap and have it mounted on backerboard instead of foam core … didn't work, they curve a little. Oh well, they still look cute and I know better now for next time. ;) Too tired to get off my toosh and take pics tonight ... sounds like a good thing to do this weekend. ;)

5. I really hope I can talk Marky into taking me to the Valentine's movie this weekend. … just me and my new closest 500 friends packed in a smelly theatre, it just wouldn't be the same to see it AFTER Valentine's day though. ;)

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