Thursday, July 29, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 7/29/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

So much to say this week, where do I begin ... ???

1. Let's start with my adorable little boy. ;) He's such a funny little thing. So full of personality. Here is just a sampling of my week:

Driving his monster truck with snow boots on in the middle of the summer

He kept getting stuck in the grass spinning his tires and saying "Hey, mom! Look at my burn out!"

Other random pics from the week. So glad to have my camera out again and getting some shots of my little man. He's growing so fast! He'll be a WHOLE HAND soon! Hard to believe I've been Mommy for nearly 5 years!

2. Check out my new "Boutique Pricing Catalog" okay so it's still the same old pricing sheet but it is MUCH more pretty now! ;)

3. What can you do with 250 dollar store balloons, greening pins and a straw wreath? The How does she do that blog - showed me a little somethin' {}
LOVE IT! It was totally easy and we'll be able to use it for many birthdays to come!

4. Another AWESOME blog I found with everything amazingly crafy (and some really great photography too)... SERIOUSLY AMAZING!! Check it out all you crafty moms!

5. VMommy cards are in!!! Hoping to get them ready to hand out this weekend. The first weekend of VMommy Club is going to be pretty sweet ... just you wait and see. ;)

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