Thursday, July 15, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 7/16/10 {Lincoln, NE Family Photographer}

Okay let's do this. I have lots of packing to do yet. ;)

1. Which leads me to #1. I will be taking the weekend off from photography to move. Pretty excited about the extra space. Goodbye golf course view ...

2. I VERY rarely do special things for myself but today as I got out of my dentist appt 1/2 hour ahead of schedule and walked past the nail salon I did the strangest thing ... I walked in a got a pedicure. Pretty sure the last one I got was the day we got married nearly 7 years ago. I'm pretty sure I was due. ;)

3. New TracyV studio policy; I will now only hold your session date with an actual date and time scheduled. See I'm the kind of person that has to know everything WAY in advance (for example I'm slightly freaking that X's party isn't completely planned by now ... his b-day is in Sept.) So if you would like to book a session please send me a confirmation e-mail with date AND time. Of course I'll still be flexible if something comes up but a general plan will help my work/life balance greatly. Newborn sessions can still be held by letting me know the due date.

4. New referral "club" for TracyV clients with referrals. :) Here's a little sneak peek of what's to come. ;)

5. I got nothin' else and I NEED to get some more packing done. :) HAPPY FRIDAY!

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