Thursday, July 8, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 7/9/10 {Lincoln, NE Newborn Photographer}

1. I watched 2 episodes of the TV show 'Cheerleader Nation' the other day … LOVE IT! Hehe Brings me back to the good 'ol days. ;) Though I remember our coach being a little more ... wild. ;) Good times!

2. Here's a couple more baby pics to brighten everyone's Friday. :)

3. The studio is SUPER close to being done, just a little trim work, bathroom, and storage room left to remodel and LOTS of decorating! Thinking I'll have a open house when the studio is all the way done. Secretly though I really just want to throw a fun themed party. I usually do that for X's birthday but all he wants this year is ChuckECheese or Amazing Pizza Machine … :( Where's the fun in that?!?!

A little sneak peek of the studio oh and there's an adorable baby in the photo too ...

4. Final t-ball orders should be here yet today. I'll get them packaged and in the mail by Monday! ;)

5. Hope everyone had a good holiday last weekend! A couple shots of my adorable nephew from our festivities! ;)

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