1. SO EXCITED!! My mom went to help my grandma clean some things out of the house and brought this back for me!! LOVE IT!! It was my grandma's when she was a little girl! Sentimental value AND it's absolutely stunning! :) Just needs to be cleaned up a little and it will be ready for a newborn in no time … or great for little girls to push with a doll, so many possibilities! ;)

2. I must be on a makeover kick lately … pedicure last week, hair cut and highlights this week. I'm a new women! My husband keeps calling me his "girlfriend" not sure how concerned I should be about that. ;)
BTW, LOVE LOVE LOVE my new stylist!! I am SO super skeptical of trying someone new (like nearly phobic) but she is SO TRULY AMAZING!! If you are waivering with you current stylist even a little I would definitely suggest you give her a shot! Okay, here it comes, write this down, ...Tracy Rhodes, 610-6407. She's got an awesome little space on the other size of the Utopia Spa (not directly affiliated with the spa though so use the number here) and let her know how absolutely amazing I told you she was. I promise you won't be disappointed! ;)
3. Photography wise just sitting around waiting for babies to be born … sigh. ;) Guess that means I should finish un-packing the house since the next 3 weekends are booked solid, three sessions and a vaca weekend. I have a couple people wanting in for late August sessions but nothing on the books yet so if you want in for 8/21 or 8/28 let me know right away. Can you believe it, one more month and we need to start thinking about getting people scheduled for Christmas shoots. I HATE thinking about Christmas this early but it's a necessary evil, especially after the choas that was Christmas sessions last year. Being triple booked on the weekends does not leave much time for Christmas shopping. ;)
4. My XO he's such a fish any more! Which is so funny because until a year ago he was deathly afraid of the water. He's still pretty cautious but talking him into do anything but swim when we get home is a chore.
I've been thinking about offering a new type of session … a Lifestyle session. Like a regular session but at your home (or another location) and just let the kids be completely natural in their own environment, with their own toys … in their own pool. I'm just sayin' … pretty cute, right? ;)

5. Some of you already know but look what I won!!! YEA!!! :) Decorations for the new studio … now I just have to choose what pictures to use, which is a lot more difficult than you would think … I mean have you see my clients?!?! Beautiful I tell you! How do you pick just 4?!?!? Plus there will be some new products on the "menu." http://paperieboutique.com/2010/07/16/duckin-awesome/
6. *Bonus* New baby announcement I just made with all my digital goodies. I can replace the pattern "paper" with any one of the hundreds in my stash, almost any pattern/color combo you can dream of.