Saturday, July 31, 2010

I found it!!! {TracyV Photography Studio}

I found one of the photos that will be hanging in the studio! (with Mom & Dad's permission of course) With the beautiful pattern in her dress it just begged for vintage processing ...

All about Fred ... {Lincoln, NE Children's Photographer}

Well the TracyV studio teddy bear finally has a name ... Fred! ;) Thanks to the adorable little girls that visited me today. It's so funny to me to watch siblings interact, it happened to be that little sister DOES NOT appreciate being touched at all by big sister so I'm pretty pleased that we got some nice photos of the two of them together. ;)

Big sis is so funny, it was like she didn't notice the camera at all. She just ran around with Fred and had a good time (and posed beautifully without even knowing it.) That's the BEST! :)

Poor little sister was getting in 6 teeth at once and we still caught her smiling! :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 7/29/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

So much to say this week, where do I begin ... ???

1. Let's start with my adorable little boy. ;) He's such a funny little thing. So full of personality. Here is just a sampling of my week:

Driving his monster truck with snow boots on in the middle of the summer

He kept getting stuck in the grass spinning his tires and saying "Hey, mom! Look at my burn out!"

Other random pics from the week. So glad to have my camera out again and getting some shots of my little man. He's growing so fast! He'll be a WHOLE HAND soon! Hard to believe I've been Mommy for nearly 5 years!

2. Check out my new "Boutique Pricing Catalog" okay so it's still the same old pricing sheet but it is MUCH more pretty now! ;)

3. What can you do with 250 dollar store balloons, greening pins and a straw wreath? The How does she do that blog - showed me a little somethin' {}
LOVE IT! It was totally easy and we'll be able to use it for many birthdays to come!

4. Another AWESOME blog I found with everything amazingly crafy (and some really great photography too)... SERIOUSLY AMAZING!! Check it out all you crafty moms!

5. VMommy cards are in!!! Hoping to get them ready to hand out this weekend. The first weekend of VMommy Club is going to be pretty sweet ... just you wait and see. ;)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 7/23/10 {Lincoln, NE Newborn Photographer}

1. SO EXCITED!! My mom went to help my grandma clean some things out of the house and brought this back for me!! LOVE IT!! It was my grandma's when she was a little girl! Sentimental value AND it's absolutely stunning! :) Just needs to be cleaned up a little and it will be ready for a newborn in no time … or great for little girls to push with a doll, so many possibilities! ;)

2. I must be on a makeover kick lately … pedicure last week, hair cut and highlights this week. I'm a new women! My husband keeps calling me his "girlfriend" not sure how concerned I should be about that. ;)

BTW, LOVE LOVE LOVE my new stylist!! I am SO super skeptical of trying someone new (like nearly phobic) but she is SO TRULY AMAZING!! If you are waivering with you current stylist even a little I would definitely suggest you give her a shot! Okay, here it comes, write this down, ...Tracy Rhodes, 610-6407. She's got an awesome little space on the other size of the Utopia Spa (not directly affiliated with the spa though so use the number here) and let her know how absolutely amazing I told you she was. I promise you won't be disappointed! ;)

3. Photography wise just sitting around waiting for babies to be born … sigh. ;) Guess that means I should finish un-packing the house since the next 3 weekends are booked solid, three sessions and a vaca weekend. I have a couple people wanting in for late August sessions but nothing on the books yet so if you want in for 8/21 or 8/28 let me know right away. Can you believe it, one more month and we need to start thinking about getting people scheduled for Christmas shoots. I HATE thinking about Christmas this early but it's a necessary evil, especially after the choas that was Christmas sessions last year. Being triple booked on the weekends does not leave much time for Christmas shopping. ;)

4. My XO he's such a fish any more! Which is so funny because until a year ago he was deathly afraid of the water. He's still pretty cautious but talking him into do anything but swim when we get home is a chore.

I've been thinking about offering a new type of session … a Lifestyle session. Like a regular session but at your home (or another location) and just let the kids be completely natural in their own environment, with their own toys … in their own pool. I'm just sayin' … pretty cute, right? ;)

5. Some of you already know but look what I won!!! YEA!!! :) Decorations for the new studio … now I just have to choose what pictures to use, which is a lot more difficult than you would think … I mean have you see my clients?!?! Beautiful I tell you! How do you pick just 4?!?!? Plus there will be some new products on the "menu."

6. *Bonus* New baby announcement I just made with all my digital goodies. I can replace the pattern "paper" with any one of the hundreds in my stash, almost any pattern/color combo you can dream of.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 7/16/10 {Lincoln, NE Family Photographer}

Okay let's do this. I have lots of packing to do yet. ;)

1. Which leads me to #1. I will be taking the weekend off from photography to move. Pretty excited about the extra space. Goodbye golf course view ...

2. I VERY rarely do special things for myself but today as I got out of my dentist appt 1/2 hour ahead of schedule and walked past the nail salon I did the strangest thing ... I walked in a got a pedicure. Pretty sure the last one I got was the day we got married nearly 7 years ago. I'm pretty sure I was due. ;)

3. New TracyV studio policy; I will now only hold your session date with an actual date and time scheduled. See I'm the kind of person that has to know everything WAY in advance (for example I'm slightly freaking that X's party isn't completely planned by now ... his b-day is in Sept.) So if you would like to book a session please send me a confirmation e-mail with date AND time. Of course I'll still be flexible if something comes up but a general plan will help my work/life balance greatly. Newborn sessions can still be held by letting me know the due date.

4. New referral "club" for TracyV clients with referrals. :) Here's a little sneak peek of what's to come. ;)

5. I got nothin' else and I NEED to get some more packing done. :) HAPPY FRIDAY!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cute x 2 {Lincoln, NE Children's Photographer}

"The twins" came to see me at the new studio today! I haven't seen them for over 6 months and I can't believe how much they've grown. They are even talking ... ya know words like "NO!!" lol :) One thing hasn't changed ... those blue eyes! WOW!
Hope you enjoy your sneak peek Mom and Dad! It was so good to see you guys again! :)

Sometimes a little candy can go a long ways. Totally worth a photo of the two of them next to each other.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 7/9/10 {Lincoln, NE Newborn Photographer}

1. I watched 2 episodes of the TV show 'Cheerleader Nation' the other day … LOVE IT! Hehe Brings me back to the good 'ol days. ;) Though I remember our coach being a little more ... wild. ;) Good times!

2. Here's a couple more baby pics to brighten everyone's Friday. :)

3. The studio is SUPER close to being done, just a little trim work, bathroom, and storage room left to remodel and LOTS of decorating! Thinking I'll have a open house when the studio is all the way done. Secretly though I really just want to throw a fun themed party. I usually do that for X's birthday but all he wants this year is ChuckECheese or Amazing Pizza Machine … :( Where's the fun in that?!?!

A little sneak peek of the studio oh and there's an adorable baby in the photo too ...

4. Final t-ball orders should be here yet today. I'll get them packaged and in the mail by Monday! ;)

5. Hope everyone had a good holiday last weekend! A couple shots of my adorable nephew from our festivities! ;)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Brand New Baby M {Lincoln, NE Newborn Photographer}

Little baby M came to see me today! Not even a week old yet. ;) SO adorable!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 7/2/10 {Lincoln, NE newborn photographer}

1. One of my 2010 babies was born this week!! It's a little girl! I'm going to hurry and get the floor put in Sunday morning at the new studio so I have somewhere to take her picture! :)
**EDIT - TWO of my 2010 babies were born this week! BOTH GIRLS!! ;)

2. How is it that guys can live without carrying a purse?!?! I really don't understand. What happens if you need lotion, mints, glasses, or your checkbook? Just something I lay in bed at night thinking about. LOL ;)

3. Last t-ball photo orders are due to me by Monday, July 5th!! Unforetunately there's a pretty big minimum for sports package orders with my lab so unless you're ordering LOTS of pictures there will not be any opportunity for re-orders so get 'em in. ;)

4. Going out to my nephews house for 4th of July. :) I'm sure my brother-in-law will have lots of good stuff to blow up. The 4th of July is one of my absolute favorite holidays!! Watermelon, hamburgers on the grill, the smell of fire crakers, throwing snappers with X, watching my husband get creative with his fireworks & a butane torch, go karts, chatting with family & friends…

5. This is a true story from last year (my son was 3 at the time): My boys decide that it would be REALLY cool to put a smoke ball in Mark's slingshot, light it, and shoot … *sigh* boys! See I told you …

I am adament about X having a 4th of July outfit (or at least a shirt) every year and I got nothing so far … :( Hopefully I'll have time for shopping sometime before then.

Hope everyone has a happy and very safe 4th of July!!