Thursday, May 20, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 5/21/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. Going to have the best Friday EVER!! Taking a half day off of work to hang out with my mom! :) JUST me & mom tomorrow. Hitting a quilting store or two, grab some lunch maybe head to a mall in Omaha ... awesome!

2. Proof that I did actually graduate last weekend ... :) :) :)

3. Had a great first week of blastball. Coach dad did a great job. Though it took X a while to realize that HE is not the coach too just because his dad is. All the kids had a blast!

Coach Dad (I can put this up without him being mad at me because I know he never reads my blog - lol):

Coach X:

4. Also, got some great track footage ...

5. Have a shoot this weekend ... watch for the sneak peek later this weekend. Remember the little baby in the red tutu ... she's coming back this weekend for her 18 month shoot along with her big sis this time too! I can't wait to do a great job for dad on family photos since he did such a great job on my logo!!! :)

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