Friday, May 7, 2010

1. I have a serious problem with procrastination in my personal life, which is funny considering I am Miss.ON-THE-BALL at work and with my photography business. I think I just wear myself out with everything else that MY to-do list sometimes gets put off. This week I almost missed Xavier's preschool registration AND I ordered photo mother's day gifts one day past the deadline! :( BAD ME!! So I'll have to think of something before Sunday. Time to get my creative juices flowing …

2. Looking forward to meeting some new clients for a shoot this weekend! :) Watch for the sneak peek later this weekend. ;)

3. Mother's Day this weekend!! Don't forget to tell your Mommy how much you love her! :)

A little shout out to my mom … Happy Mother's Day Mom!!! I love you! :)

4. Xavier started attending daycare at my friend's house this week. WOW what a difference! He absolutely LOVES it there and has been so chipper all week! He's even been walking around singing everywhere he goes. :) I feel so privileged to be his mommy! :)

5. I have been obsessed with consistent color schemes lately. Everything has to coordinate! This years colors for mother's day are black, gray and yellow (to match X's pics below.) ;) I even made custom "takeout" style boxes for their gifts. (cue my sister-in-law Lisa rolling her eyes at me) ;) I'll post pics of mother's day gifts after Sunday, I promise!

A couple more X pics just for the heck of it ...

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