I began my endeavor of TracyV Photography only a year ago as a small part time business. I had no idea what would come of it, or if it would be something that I would want to spend all my extra time and effort on with the million other things going on in my life. Through my precise calculations I decided that it would be a year at least before I would start to get any real clients (ya know ones that would pay me to have their photos taken rather than me paying them to model.) ;) After all it seemed like perfect timing I was to graduate in December so I thought by 2010 I would be able to really get cooking … or clicking. LOL (I apologize now for this and more corniness to come.) Well, like always, things didn't quite happen as planned. The first year of TracyV Photography was even more phenomenal than I could have ever imagined. As it turns out I am actually pretty decent at what I do and people took notice. (toot toot - my own horn) The clients came flooding in along with the work from my final year of undergrad school, not to mention keeping up with my FT day J.O.B. and being Mommy and Wifey. *Whew* I'm tired just thinking about it. However, we all made it through, everyone received their Christmas photos in time, and as promised after 8 long years of working full time and attending school I have finally earned my Bachelor's in Business Administration (with an emphasis in Accounting, and a Minor in Communication) from Nebraska Wesleyan University!!! WOO HOO!!!
Though I can honestly say that I feel very fortunate that things happened like they did and I wouldn't change a thing. I have got to meet and work with so many amazing families throughout the year and look forward to watching all of the kiddos that I have met grow through the years. I have to thank everyone that has stuck with me though the year while I got a feel for the business. If last year was the year of learning this year will be the year of consistency. I'm working on a final business model that I hope to carry throughout the years. Also hoping to get a logo and set business colors, packaging, etc in place so that we can move easily into the future together. ;)
There is one other unexpected event that happened in 2009 worth mentioning. After well over 2 years on the market we have finally sold our home and have decided that in order to build our final and most fantastic home, complete with my very own beautiful studio, (screech) :) we would have to make some sacrifices in the mean time, which means living in an apartment - wah wah. However, my in-laws have graciously supplied me with a key to their home which is the temporary studio space for TracyV Photography. I actually have a pretty decent set up there and hope that once the ground thaws we will be able to creep closer to that dream studio of mine. ;)
By the way, I'm very windy. I'll stop now. Please keep following the blog!!! :) I will now be posting sneak peeks here as well as new exciting studio news and DISCOUNTS and PROMOTIONS!!! ;)
AND check out the site, I have updated the galleries and layout a little!! www.tracyvphotography.com
Well it wouldn't be a photography blog without some photography. So here are my favorite 9 of '09. Let me tell you what I must have the most BEAUTIFUL clients EVER! I was so close to posting my favorite 2,009 photos of the year but decided I just had to draw the line somewhere. Let's get this going right with a little competition. Vote on your favorite photo from 2009 and the winner with the most votes by 1/29/10 will win an 11x14 print with lustre coating of the winning photo. :) Feel free to pass the blog on to family and friends to get those votes in!
Enjoy!!! :)
(I'm still getting a hang of this blog thing so if you would like to see larger images they are all available on the front slideshow of my site. :)
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