Friday, January 15, 2010

Five Fact Friday

Hoping to get this up every Friday - just for fun

1. My little monster LOVES monster trucks, more accurately he is OBSESSED. Last weekend we surprised him with tickets to Monster Jam. :) It was very last minute so I didn't get to bring my nice cam but got some decent shots from my point and shoot. :)

2. X woke up early with me this morning and packed my lunch bag for me all by himself. *heart*

3. Attn Brides (& anyone else looking to throw a fabulous shindig) I found an amazing new product in my latest issue of Martha Stewart Living. I can't wait to have any excuse to get some myself, check it out …

4. So geared up for my shoots this weekend. A three month and a maternity session!!! :) Have I mentioned that I LOVE babies. ;) Watch out for some sneak peeks later this week.

5. Hoping to get some new studio shots this weekend with my boys! Wish me luck!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!

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