Thursday, January 21, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 1.22.10 {Lincoln NE photographer}

1. I found my Macy Grey CD in the bottom of my center console. *heart* I apologize if you saw me rocking out the other day around 4:30. BTW I have the WORST singing voice EVER.

2. I had such a GREAT time at my sessions from last weekend. It's so amazing to me how much those shoots really lift my spirits on yucky cold winter days. I think everyone else had fun too. :) (especially a certain big-sister to be with the left over strawberry ice cream.) :)

3. Keep checking back in the near future for some new and exciting shoot ideas that I have been contemplating … like pre-prom shoots. ;) fun fun!!!!

4. I like to teach my son about subjects that are probably a little older than he is really ready for. The other day we were talking about types of matter: solid, liquid, gas (no, we didn't get into plasma, etc…) So I asked the next day if he remembered what the types were, he says "strawberry milk, chocolate milk, and white milk." :)

5. I recently heard about the coolest custom knit hat web-site ever!! I haven't decided what to order but I'm thinking I could use a couple newborn hats and maybe one or two of the slings/cocoons … check 'em out!! And check out my exciting photography finds for the week … tiny baby bed *swoon* and LOVIN' my new gray background, so versatile. ;)Can you just picture a brand new little one curled up in that bed!?!?!?!

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