Thursday, August 5, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 8/6/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. This is going to be short and sweet, just like this little girl that I get to see Saturday. :)

2. I actually have a double header this weekend so stay tuned for some sneak peeks later in the weekend! :)

3. One more weekend and we're off to the Yankees baseball game and Worlds of Fun in Kansas City! :)

4. Since I'll be out next Friday through Sunday I want to Congratulate the soon to be Mr. & Mrs. Monroe on their wedding this coming weekend now! Congrats you two!!! :) *heart* :) :) :)

5. XO is home from 3 days of camping so I'm off for some Mommy/XO time before bed time. Told you it was going to be short. :)

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