Thursday, August 26, 2010

Five Fact Friday - 8/27/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. Shooting an engagement session for my cousin and her financé this weekend. :) Stay tuned this weekend for a sneak peek. ;)

2. Have been SUPER productive on XO's b-day party invites this week ... finally. They turned out pretty cute for being made in one night.

3. I love the little things around the house that remind me that I'm a mommy. *double heart* :)

(at least I hope that's a picture of me ... ) ;)

4. Here's a couple more from XO's bday shoot since I never got any more up after the first post.

He's even cute when he's pouting. :)

5. Going to go get my jammies on now and snuggle up on the couch for tonight's episode of Project Runway - LOVE IT! :)

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