Friday, June 18, 2010

Five ... well Six Fact Friday ~ 6/18/10 {Lincoln, NE T-Ball Photographer} ;)

1. This was the longest fast week ever! I feel like my head is spinning! Busy at work, busy at home, busy at photography! I have always said that I would MUCH rather be busy than bored and I still stand by that!

2. I ended up taking photos for 3 t-ball teams this week, about 35 kids! I love photographing kiddos! They're SO FUNNY! I had one little guy that would only take his sunglasses off if I took a photo with them on first. LOL!

3. My favorite part of taking pictures of kids is when I KNOW at the end of the session that they had a good time too. My little man from the last sneak peek walked over and gave me a big hug out of the blue. *heart*

4. The studio renovation is moving about as fast as my house being built … that means not at all. The really smelly part is I have no one to blame but myself. :( Boo Hiss on me! I need to get my heine (X's new word he learned from a friend - lol) moving on this stuff!!!

5. Father's day weekend! DO NOT forget to tell your Daddy how much he means to you!

Taking my own Daddy out for dinner Saturday night, I'm REALLY looking forward to it! We like to try something new every time we go out, even if it's something simple. We're giving Bread & Cup a try this time, hope it's good. I've always been a Daddy's girl (minus a few teenage years but who's counting.) I heart my dad!

Here is one part of father's day gifts for this year. I'll post the other part next week ... they're still not done yet. :/
My new tiny borders! I HEART them!! :)

6.I had to post some pics of my photo frame I FINALLY got pics for. LOVE IT!!! ;)

After I saw it with the pics in it I HAD to have Mark hang it!! Woo hoo! :)

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