You might want to go grab a snack and a Diet Pepsi before you sit down to read this week … I'm feeling pretty windy today … :)
1. Finally got the web-site where I want it for now. Eventually I'll have a professional update it for me but I think it's pretty good where it's at for now. ;) Really happy with where my colors ended up too. ;)
2. Do you know how hard it is to find hair scrunchies anymore?!?! ;) lol I've been wanting to make these forever and I finally got motivated to make some homemade 'lens buddies' to occupy your little ones during a shoot. Hopefully I'll get more eye contact with help from these goofy little creatures. X decided he couldn't live without a spider one so I'm still in search of a black or dark purple scrunchie still. Worst case scenario I'll have to make my own … been a while since I did that. I used to make myself one for every outfit back in the day … don't laugh you know you did it too!

More to come later ... they take longer to make than I originally thought they would.
3. A 4 year old shoot scheduled for this weekend and a couple t-ball team photos later this week/next week.

4. Cutest thing, my hubby was out coaching/practicing with his t-ball team and he calls in one of the little girls to bat. She runs up gives him a sweet little smile and hands over a little flower. :) Little girls are so sweet! He had a pocket full of flowers by the end of the game. Though I think a couple were from X too. ;) It's really funny to watch the difference when you cheer on little girls vs. boys. The girls eat up the attention smiling at the crowd all the way to first, the boys just run past on a mission straight to first without even noticing that you're cheering for them. ;)

5. Totally excited that I'm getting closer to a real live studio, near 38th & Cornhusker Hwy. It's a tiny little space but there's room to grow and I have the opportunity to completely customize everything (as much as my tiny budget allows that is.) I have a LOT (I mean a LOT) of work to do. Anyone up for a complete bathroom remodel or some carpet replacement … ??? I have a husband who is a wonderful carpenter/overall handyman but he's absolutely swamped too with his siding/roofing/gutter business so I'm on his schedule until the winter when he slows down. ;) I'm going to stand outside the studio with a sign that says "Will take photos for manual labor." :)
I think I'm going to use a dresser for the vanity so that I have lots of counter space too … innovative thinking, huh? Would it look really silly to put in a one tub aluminum kitchen sink in the bathroom so there is room to clean a baby after a smash cake session?
Speaking of smash cake sessions … I haven't done one forever. :( Everyone is turning 2 this year! I CAN'T believe it! I LOVE cake sessions! ;) I don't even mind the clean up.
6. Working on some sort of 1st year baby photography plan. I'm thinking that I would rather do a 'punch card' type of deal rather than a package that you pay for up front.
7. Going to use my digital papers goodies to create an award/certificate for Mark's blastball team. What a GREAT group of kids!! They are all awesome! They've grown so much in just a couple weeks. From running off the field every time they weren't at bat to making it through the whole hour! I'm pretty sure Mark should have been a teacher/coach, he's really good at it. ;)

8. Going camping next weekend with the boys over father's day. I have some really cool photo gifts for the dad's even this year! I'll post some photos of dad's next Friday, pretty sure my dad's not too quick on reading the blog and I KNOW Mark's dad doesn't. ;) I have no idea what to get Marky for father's day this year and all X could come up with was that "we should get him a lap top." Crazy kid!
EIGHT!?!? I'll stop! I'm sure that's a record! Hope you all enjoyed your little TracyV Photography blog break! ;)