Thursday, October 7, 2010

Five Fact Friday - 10/8/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. Not too much going on here actually. Yeah, I cheated and used that as #1. :) :)

2. GO HUSKERS tonight!! Getting a little head start on the Five Fact Friday because I know I'll be too sleepy to write it after the game. ;)

3. My little man is SO cute. My favorite place to watch him play is at the park and we found a new one in the neighborhood. He gets so deep in thought while he plays sometimes. I often wonder what he's thinking about.

Our favorite game at the park is "mamarazzi." It's like tag only I take his picture. He actually LOVES it. :) The "keeper" rate for TracyV standards is very low but as X's mom I love them all. ;)

4. Two shoots this weekend so be on the lookout for some cute kiddo sneak peeks this weekend. ;) Everyone is in for Christmas pics now so I'll stop posting family/group shots so I don't ruin the surprise for anyone's Christmas cards. ;)

5. New business cards and press printed TracyV tags for packaging will be here Monday!!! :)

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