Saturday, October 30, 2010

Little purple princess :) {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

The last time I saw her she was so shy and reserved. She's definitely growing up to be quite the little pricess. :) She was so happy to pose for me and has the BEST personality! I just love all these kiddos! They were amazing to photograph! Couldn't have asked for a better group! :)

*We got an AMAZING photo of all 3 kiddos together in their ADORABLE Christmas clothes but I don't want to ruin the Holiday card surprise so I'll post one near the end of December. :)

Thanks mom & dad! You guys have some great little helpers! :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Baby E is growing up ... {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

Little Baby E turned ONE this month!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone!!

Without further ado I give you cake smash photos!!! :)

How sweet is this?!?!!? :)

Baby E's big brother. :) Cute kids I tell ya! :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Little Miss Sleepy {Lincoln, NE Newborn Photographer}

Little Miss. T was the sleepiest little baby I've ever seen!! :) I was starting to wonder if she even knew how to cry ... until I tried to put her on the suitcases. ;) It didn't matter though because she let us get EVERY other shot we wanted including a photo of my new cocoon!! :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The J Family {Lincoln, NE family photographer}

With 4 kiddos I really had to work for it. ;) It just took a little while and we went from uncomfortable smiles to begging me to take one more picture. :) I really love the picture in the grass with all 4 kiddos!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Baby S ... for Smile :) {Lincoln, NE photographer}

Mom said that Baby S has been smiling for quite some time but she really gets serious whenever the camera comes out at home. So with a little teamwork we got baby S to smile and get a photo of it. ;) I always feel so honored be a part of capturing those special moments. *heart*

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Five Fact Friday - 10/8/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. Not too much going on here actually. Yeah, I cheated and used that as #1. :) :)

2. GO HUSKERS tonight!! Getting a little head start on the Five Fact Friday because I know I'll be too sleepy to write it after the game. ;)

3. My little man is SO cute. My favorite place to watch him play is at the park and we found a new one in the neighborhood. He gets so deep in thought while he plays sometimes. I often wonder what he's thinking about.

Our favorite game at the park is "mamarazzi." It's like tag only I take his picture. He actually LOVES it. :) The "keeper" rate for TracyV standards is very low but as X's mom I love them all. ;)

4. Two shoots this weekend so be on the lookout for some cute kiddo sneak peeks this weekend. ;) Everyone is in for Christmas pics now so I'll stop posting family/group shots so I don't ruin the surprise for anyone's Christmas cards. ;)

5. New business cards and press printed TracyV tags for packaging will be here Monday!!! :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh baby!! {Lincoln, NE Newborn Photographer}

I was so excited when I talked to Baby J's mom this week and she said he is the most sound sleeper she has ever seen and that he has hardly been awake at all since he was born. Well today was the day baby J woke up. ;) Mom and I were determined to get him to sleep. We won in the end and got some excellent shots of this brand new little guy. :) And check out that hair!! LOVE IT!

BTW, Dad did an amazing job too keeping Baby J's big sisters happy while we worked. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

1. It's SO nice outside! I can hardly stand to stay in 1 more minute!

2. Baby boy J is coming to see me tomorrow! He is a gorgeous little boy with LOTS of hair. SO EXCITED!

Using 2 new props tomorrow. My awesome cousin crocheted me a newborn baby cocoon and I snagged an awesome old blue suitcase from my grandma's awhile ago in anticipation of a newborn boy session.

3. VMommy letters are printed and will hit the mailbox tomorrow! YAY ME ... finally! :) There is a great offer inside so you VMommy's be on the lookout. All you have to do to be a VMommy is love your pictures and tell your friends ... seriously that's it, 1 referral is all it takes. :)

4. Blog posts with no pictures are lame ... :( Sorry. I'll put up EXTRA newborn sweetness tomorrow!:)

5. Just talking to a co-worker about the fried chicken at Virginia's Cafe, right next to the studio - 3820 Cornhusker Hwy - and now I'm craving it BIG-TIME! YUM!!!