Friday, September 3, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 9/3/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1 Excited for HUSKER football to start! And I think we got XO back on the right Husker fan track, he deviated a little last year with the long horns but I think we got him. Besides, even though we didn’t name him after Coach his middle name is still Osborn. ;) He kind of HAS to like the huskers with a name like that. ;)

2 I feel like I have been running like crazy but nothing is actually getting done. I think Tuesday night scrapbooking was the most productive that I’ve been all week.

3 It’s labor day weekend!! :)

4 Seriously, I got nothing else … ummm …

5 Won’t be working photography for a couple weeks with XO’s parties coming up. I do have 2 senior sessions later this month AND a BABY coming at the beginning of October. October is going to be a BUSY month so I’m just trying to enjoy my couple weeks off for now. :)

Well, that was LAME! Not even any photos … I’ll do better next week.

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