Thursday, September 9, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 9/10/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. XO started back to preschool this week! He loves his new school and even more loves that he gets to go with his good friend AND they happen to be the only 2 boys in the class!

2. XO turns the big 0-5 this week! I can’t wait for the party (oh and I think he’s a little excited too.) It seems like I’ve been planning forever and now I’m just ready for it to happen. So, here’s a little sneak peek of the sugary goodness to come. I’ll post a million pics next week.

3. Yes, I admit it. I am a TOTAL liar! I’ve been promising VMommy cards to go out for what … like 3 years!?!?! I have the letter drafted I literally just need an hour alone to get them out. Hopefully after the party I’ll have my head back on straight. ;)

4. So excited for XO’s pics to be here tomorrow to give to family at his party! Come on Fed Ex! It’s actually the first time I’ve bought pictures for everyone since I started photography business – BAD TRACY!


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