1. We finally have a REAL Five Fact Friday post. It's been a while. ;) I'm thinking I should change it to Five Fact Sunday or something like that. I'm so worn out by the end of the week ... wah wah wah :) LOL
2. Check out my Antique Store find!! It was LOVE at first sight. *heart* You can't really tell but it's pretty big (even big enough for one of my 10 lb babies.) ;) I thought it would be perfect for 6-9 month pics especially. I know this is a bad pic (couldn't take it outside because it's raining cats and dogs) but picture it outside under a tree with a big fluffy white blanket and a smiley baby inside. ;)

3. (Finally) here's a re-cap of XO's 5th birthday party festivities.
Candy Party to celebrate with family

Zoo party to celebrate with friends

Here's my little buddy. :) I even found binoculars and make your own stuffed animal kids for the favors. :)

AND THEN up to Amazing Pizza Machine on his real birthday and he got to bring his best buddy! We had a great time riding the frog hopper, roller coaster, and the go karts (B and I LET Mark and X win since it was XO's b-day) ;) Then we topped it off with slushies and ice cream with LOTS of sprinkles. What a GREAT DAY! :)

4. Did you check out the sneak peek for my two lovely senior sessions last weekend?? To be continued, we are taking Part B of the session this weekend. ;) I'm looking forward to some different shooting scenery.
5. Looking forward to this weekend. We're going to pick apples with Grammy Sat. morning and going to watch the game Sat. evening at Grandma's. I got some new fabric to start cutting blocks for a baby quilt while I watch the game. SUPER excited to get some quilting done, it's been a while and I have a nice sewing/scrapbook room now so I don't have to clean my crafty mess up EVERY time. ;)