Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sun-kissed {Lincoln, NE Senior Photographer}

We had some beautiful coutry sun for the second half of our senior sessions with these two gorgeous ladies.

Thanks so much girls for being such good sports. You are both wonderful models.

Enjoy your senior year!!! :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 9/24/10 {Lincoln, NE Senior Photographer}

1. We finally have a REAL Five Fact Friday post. It's been a while. ;) I'm thinking I should change it to Five Fact Sunday or something like that. I'm so worn out by the end of the week ... wah wah wah :) LOL

2. Check out my Antique Store find!! It was LOVE at first sight. *heart* You can't really tell but it's pretty big (even big enough for one of my 10 lb babies.) ;) I thought it would be perfect for 6-9 month pics especially. I know this is a bad pic (couldn't take it outside because it's raining cats and dogs) but picture it outside under a tree with a big fluffy white blanket and a smiley baby inside. ;)

3. (Finally) here's a re-cap of XO's 5th birthday party festivities.

Candy Party to celebrate with family

Zoo party to celebrate with friends

Here's my little buddy. :) I even found binoculars and make your own stuffed animal kids for the favors. :)

AND THEN up to Amazing Pizza Machine on his real birthday and he got to bring his best buddy! We had a great time riding the frog hopper, roller coaster, and the go karts (B and I LET Mark and X win since it was XO's b-day) ;) Then we topped it off with slushies and ice cream with LOTS of sprinkles. What a GREAT DAY! :)

4. Did you check out the sneak peek for my two lovely senior sessions last weekend?? To be continued, we are taking Part B of the session this weekend. ;) I'm looking forward to some different shooting scenery.

5. Looking forward to this weekend. We're going to pick apples with Grammy Sat. morning and going to watch the game Sat. evening at Grandma's. I got some new fabric to start cutting blocks for a baby quilt while I watch the game. SUPER excited to get some quilting done, it's been a while and I have a nice sewing/scrapbook room now so I don't have to clean my crafty mess up EVERY time. ;)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A totally EPIC senior session ... {Lincoln, NE Senior Photographer}

I had a BLAST with these two ladies! We had a really great time and got some amazing shots. They are both SO beautiful! 1st session down, 1 more to go next week, so stay tuned ... ;)

Check out those eyes!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

I *HEART* my family! :)

I had a REALLY crappy day yesterday so Five Fact Friday will be posted a little later this evening because I really do have some really good stuff this week. Besides it's really hard to have a pity party for yourself when you have such an amazing family like I do. I really couldn't ask for anything more and honestly what could possibly be better than that?!?! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! :) Now everyone go kiss your husbands and kiddos and come back later for some great photography facts. :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sugar high ...

We're all coming off our sugar high this morning but here's a little sneak peek of the sugary goodness that was XO's 5th birthday party. My favorite saying last night is "you only turn 5 once." :) More pics to come I'm sure ...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 9/10/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1. XO started back to preschool this week! He loves his new school and even more loves that he gets to go with his good friend AND they happen to be the only 2 boys in the class!

2. XO turns the big 0-5 this week! I can’t wait for the party (oh and I think he’s a little excited too.) It seems like I’ve been planning forever and now I’m just ready for it to happen. So, here’s a little sneak peek of the sugary goodness to come. I’ll post a million pics next week.

3. Yes, I admit it. I am a TOTAL liar! I’ve been promising VMommy cards to go out for what … like 3 years!?!?! I have the letter drafted I literally just need an hour alone to get them out. Hopefully after the party I’ll have my head back on straight. ;)

4. So excited for XO’s pics to be here tomorrow to give to family at his party! Come on Fed Ex! It’s actually the first time I’ve bought pictures for everyone since I started photography business – BAD TRACY!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Five Fact Friday ~ 9/3/10 {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

1 Excited for HUSKER football to start! And I think we got XO back on the right Husker fan track, he deviated a little last year with the long horns but I think we got him. Besides, even though we didn’t name him after Coach his middle name is still Osborn. ;) He kind of HAS to like the huskers with a name like that. ;)

2 I feel like I have been running like crazy but nothing is actually getting done. I think Tuesday night scrapbooking was the most productive that I’ve been all week.

3 It’s labor day weekend!! :)

4 Seriously, I got nothing else … ummm …

5 Won’t be working photography for a couple weeks with XO’s parties coming up. I do have 2 senior sessions later this month AND a BABY coming at the beginning of October. October is going to be a BUSY month so I’m just trying to enjoy my couple weeks off for now. :)

Well, that was LAME! Not even any photos … I’ll do better next week.