Sunday, June 26, 2011

1st & 5th birthday sneak peek {Lincoln, NE children's photographer}

This month was Big Bro B and Little Sis M's 5th and 1st birthdays. :) What a couple of sweet sweet kiddos. They were SO much fun, especially B, who reminded me an awful lot of my own little 5 year old. :)

Little M had a good time but found me very boring. I could hardly get her to look at me no matter how many funny noises or games of peek-a-boo from behind the camera I tried. Luckily she LOVES her brother so I got some great shots with his help.

And let's not forget how much help mom was for this shoot. I don't get up from the floor very fast these days and she did a great job chasing and posing (as much as possible anyway) little M.

Also, just a reminder, only 2 sessions left between now and July 16th. After that I'll be on maternity leave for photos at least though the end of September.

hehe - these are his tractor pull ear phones. I LOVE IT!!! :) :) :)

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