I have MILLIONS of pictures of X but they never all get printed and even though I am an avid scrapbooker (at least I was until recently, I've lost my drive a little) I rarely take time to look through them. After editing a session from a recent first birthday shoot I decided to look through MY baby's pictures.
He's so big now! WWAAAAHHH!!! My point is get the camera out now, all of you moms! You may not have time now to sift through all the photos but in time you and your baby will really appreciate their existance.
First here is one of me that my dad (a pretty decent photographer himself) took. This just may be my favorite photo from my whole childhood. I am so glad that my dad took so many photos of me as a child! I LOVE them all!!

And here are some of my baby ...

X will show all you babies how to do a REAL cake shoot! Cake is something he is definitely naturally good at. ;) I wish I knew of smash the cake photo sessions back then. :(

Even though most aren't the best pictures ever taken, I know that he will love and appreciate seeing pictures of himself growing up.
Had to sneak in one more that I found. A couple of friends that I have met since being married have wanted to see pictures of Mark and I when we were younger, especially since we got married so young and started dating in high school. I still have to find the one from Sophmore prom but this takes us back 7 1/2 years anyways. :) What a handsome devil I married. ;)