Friday, March 23, 2012

I moved ...

My blog that is! If you are looking for new blog posts you can find me at

I'm technically challenged but I hope to be able to get it switched eventually to but we will see. ;)

Monday, October 24, 2011

M family ... and the dog. ;)

I think this is my first ever shoot with a pet and I have to say Barney did very well. :)

Again, short and sweet ... got to get back to my baby! ;)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

VB family sneak peek {Lincoln, NE family photographer}

No time for any description ... Baby Z's yelling at me. ;)

Hope you like the sneak peek!!! :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Baby J turns 1!!! :) {Lincoln, NE Children's Photographer}

I can't believe Baby J is one already! What an adorable and happy little guy he is! :) I don't know how his mom is going to decide which ones to hang on the walls!!!

Baby J newborn:

Baby J 1 year:

Baby J showed us how a cake smash should be done!!! :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Little Miss Smiley - 1st birthday sneak peek {Lincoln, NE Children's Photographer}

I think I know what Baby S stands for ... Smiley. :) I'm pretty sure she wasn't this excited to see me last time but she did GREAT yesterday, even looking straight into the camera for most of the pics!

She got a little tired of it after sitting ON the cake but we got some great shots before that.

Thanks Mom and Sister A for all of your help with Baby S's pics! I hope you guys had a really great girls' day out! :)

See you all in October with my own newborn pics! :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

1st & 5th birthday sneak peek {Lincoln, NE children's photographer}

This month was Big Bro B and Little Sis M's 5th and 1st birthdays. :) What a couple of sweet sweet kiddos. They were SO much fun, especially B, who reminded me an awful lot of my own little 5 year old. :)

Little M had a good time but found me very boring. I could hardly get her to look at me no matter how many funny noises or games of peek-a-boo from behind the camera I tried. Luckily she LOVES her brother so I got some great shots with his help.

And let's not forget how much help mom was for this shoot. I don't get up from the floor very fast these days and she did a great job chasing and posing (as much as possible anyway) little M.

Also, just a reminder, only 2 sessions left between now and July 16th. After that I'll be on maternity leave for photos at least though the end of September.

hehe - these are his tractor pull ear phones. I LOVE IT!!! :) :) :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Short and Sweet - Sneak Peek {Lincoln, NE Family Photographer}

This may have actually been the fastest shoot yet to date but regardless of the short time frame we were able to get some really great shots of this fun family.

I'll keep this post short and to the point too ... here are just a couple shots of this beautiful family. :)