Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blue eyes x3 :) {Lincoln, NE Children's Photographer}

Seriously, what children's photographer doesn't get excited about photographing twin babies?!?! Especially with those big blue eyes and the cutest big brother ever! :) Mr. H was quite the experienced model and did a GREAT job modeling for me!! :)

TOO CUTE x2 {Lincoln, NE Children's Photographer}

How adorable are these little girlies in their pink, black and white?!?! :) They were TOO CUTE with their little outfits and bows! I especially love little sister's cheese smile. :)

I've added a couple extra pics here since I spent the day with family instead of being good and staying home to post sneak peeks ... bad Tracy! ;)

And my 3 favorites. These should be a 16x20, and 2 10x13's in the living room wall! :)