Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blue eyes x3 :) {Lincoln, NE Children's Photographer}

Seriously, what children's photographer doesn't get excited about photographing twin babies?!?! Especially with those big blue eyes and the cutest big brother ever! :) Mr. H was quite the experienced model and did a GREAT job modeling for me!! :)

TOO CUTE x2 {Lincoln, NE Children's Photographer}

How adorable are these little girlies in their pink, black and white?!?! :) They were TOO CUTE with their little outfits and bows! I especially love little sister's cheese smile. :)

I've added a couple extra pics here since I spent the day with family instead of being good and staying home to post sneak peeks ... bad Tracy! ;)

And my 3 favorites. These should be a 16x20, and 2 10x13's in the living room wall! :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Baby M Sneak Peek! {Lincoln, NE Newborn Photographer}

Okay, so it's been a while with all of the Christmas shoots. I didn't want to ruin any Christmas card surprises by sharing photos this time of year. Hopefully I'll be getting back to Five Fact Fridays in the very near future. :)

So ... on to the sneak peek. Introducing the SUPER SWEET Baby M. He happens to be the adorable little bundle of a good friend of mine. I've been waiting for what seems like forever to get to photograph him, so much so that I think I took nearly 250 photos! I might have went a little overboard but how could I not??? :)

Hope everyone is off to a great start on their holiday festivities! :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Little purple princess :) {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

The last time I saw her she was so shy and reserved. She's definitely growing up to be quite the little pricess. :) She was so happy to pose for me and has the BEST personality! I just love all these kiddos! They were amazing to photograph! Couldn't have asked for a better group! :)

*We got an AMAZING photo of all 3 kiddos together in their ADORABLE Christmas clothes but I don't want to ruin the Holiday card surprise so I'll post one near the end of December. :)

Thanks mom & dad! You guys have some great little helpers! :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Baby E is growing up ... {Lincoln, NE Photographer}

Little Baby E turned ONE this month!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone!!

Without further ado I give you cake smash photos!!! :)

How sweet is this?!?!!? :)

Baby E's big brother. :) Cute kids I tell ya! :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Little Miss Sleepy {Lincoln, NE Newborn Photographer}

Little Miss. T was the sleepiest little baby I've ever seen!! :) I was starting to wonder if she even knew how to cry ... until I tried to put her on the suitcases. ;) It didn't matter though because she let us get EVERY other shot we wanted including a photo of my new cocoon!! :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The J Family {Lincoln, NE family photographer}

With 4 kiddos I really had to work for it. ;) It just took a little while and we went from uncomfortable smiles to begging me to take one more picture. :) I really love the picture in the grass with all 4 kiddos!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Baby S ... for Smile :) {Lincoln, NE photographer}

Mom said that Baby S has been smiling for quite some time but she really gets serious whenever the camera comes out at home. So with a little teamwork we got baby S to smile and get a photo of it. ;) I always feel so honored be a part of capturing those special moments. *heart*